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- ; $Id: map_image.pro,v 1.16 1997/03/17 23:40:06 dave Exp $
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
- function map_image_missing, image_orig, max_value, min_value
- ;
- ; Return an array of 1's where the data are outside the range of min_value
- ; to max_value. Max_value and/or min_value may be undefined. If both are
- ; undefined, return a -1.
- ;
- k = n_elements(max_value) * 2 + n_elements(min_value)
- case k of
- 0: return, -1
- 1: return, Image_orig le min_value
- 2: return, Image_orig ge max_value
- 3: return, (Image_orig ge max_value) or (Image_orig le min_value)
- endcase
- end
- FUNCTION map_image, Image_Orig, Startx, Starty, xsize, ysize, $
- LATMIN = latmin, LATMAX = latmax, $
- LONMIN = lonmin, LONMAX = lonmax, $
- COMPRESS = compress, BILINEAR = bilin, $
- WHOLE_MAP = whole_map, SCALE = scalef, $
- MISSING = missing, MAX_VALUE = max_value, MIN_VALUE=min_value
- ;NAME:
- ; map_image
- ; This function returns the Image_Orig image warped to fit
- ; the current map. Image_Orig must be centered at 0. This
- ; routine works in image space.
- ;Category:
- ; Mapping
- ;Calling Sequence:
- ; result = map_image(Image_Orig [, Startx, Starty [, xsize, ysize]])
- ; Image_Orig--- A two-dimensional array representing geographical
- ; image to be overlayed on map. It has Nx columns,
- ; and Ny rows.
- ; LATMIN --- the latitude corresponding to the first row of Image_Orig.
- ; The default value is -90. Latitude and Longitude values
- ; refer to the CENTER of each cell.
- ; LATMAX --- the latitude corresponding to last row of Image_Orig. The
- ; default is 90 - (180. / Ny).
- ; LONMIN --- the longitude corresponding to the first column of
- ; Image_Orig. The default value is -180.
- ; LONMAX --- the longitude corresponding to the last column
- ; of Image_Orig. The default is 180. - (360./Nx).
- ; For images crossing the international dateline, lonmax
- ; will be less than lonmin.
- ; If the longitude of the last column is equal to
- ; (lonmin - (360. /Nx)) MODULO 360.
- ; it is assumed that the image covers all longitudes.
- ; BILINEAR --- A flag, if set, to request bilinear interpolation. The
- ; default is nearest neighbor. Bilinear appears much better.
- ; COMPRESS --- Interpolation compression flag. Setting this to
- ; a higher number saves time --- lower numbers produce
- ; more accurate results. Setting this to 1
- ; solves the inverse map transformation for every
- ; pixel of the output image. Default = 4 for output devices
- ; with fixed pixel sizes. Fix is used to make this an int.
- ; SCALE = pixel / graphics scale factor for devices with scalable
- ; pixels (e.g. PostScript). Default = 0.02 pixels/graphic_coord.
- ; This yields an approximate output image size of 350 x 250.
- ; Make this number larger for more resolution (and larger
- ; PostScript files, and images), or smaller for faster
- ; and smaller, less accurate images.
- ; MISSING = value to set areas outside the valid map coordinates.
- ; If omitted, areas outside the map are set to 255 (white) if
- ; the current graphics device is PostScript, or 0 otherwise.
- ; MAX_VALUE = values in Image_Orig greater than or equal to MAX_VALUE
- ; are considered missing. Pixels in the output image
- ; that depend upon missing pixels will be set to MISSING.
- ; MIN_VALUE = values in Image_Orig less than or equal to MIN_VALUE
- ; are considered missing.
- ; Optional Output Parameters:
- ; Startx --- the x coordinate where the left edge of the image
- ; should be placed on the screen.
- ; Starty --- the y coordinate where th bottom edge of the image
- ; should be placed on the screen.
- ; xsize --- returns the width of the resulting image expressed in
- ; graphic coordinate units. If current graphics device has
- ; scalable pixels, the value of XSIZE and YSIZE should
- ; be passed to the TV procedure.
- ; ysize --- returns the pixel height of the resulting image, if the
- ; current graphics device has scalable pixels.
- ;
- ;Output:
- ; The warped image is returned.
- ;
- ; Procedure: An image space algorithm is used, so the time required
- ; is roughly proportional to the size of the final image.
- ; For each pixel in the box enclosed by the current window,
- ; and enclosed by the Image, the inverse coordinate transform is
- ; applied to obtain lat/lon. The lat/lon coordinates are then scaled
- ; into image pixel coordinates, and these coordinates are then
- ; interpolated from Image values.
- ;
- ; Restrictions: Probably won't work on VMS cause it doesn't support
- ; NaN.
- ;
- ; CAB, Feb, 1992. Map_image has been changed to handle images
- ; crossing the international dateline in a more convenient way.
- ; Specifically, it no longer requires that the keyword LONMIN be
- ; greater than or equal to -180 or the keyword LONMAX be
- ; less than or equal to 180.
- ; DMS, Aug, 1992. Completly rewritten. Uses different algorithms.
- ; DMS, Dec, 1992. Coordinates were off by part of a pixel bin.
- ; Also, round when not doing bi-linear interpolation.
- ; DMS, Sep, 1993. Added MAX_VALUE keyword.
- ; DMS, Nov, 1994. Added MIN_VALUE keyword.
- ; SVP, Mar, 1995. Compress is now fix()'d. y is now scaled correctly.
- ; SVP, May, 1996. Removed Whole_Map keyword. Changes in the noborder
- ; behavior of MAP_SET make this keyword obselete.
- ; DMS, Nov, 1996. Adapted for new maps, rev 2.
- ;-
- ;t0 = systime(1)
- if (!x.type NE 2) and (!x.type ne 3) THEN $ ;Need Mapping Coordinates
- message, "Current window must have map coordinates"
- s = size(Image_Orig)
- if s[0] ne 2 THEN message, " Image must be a two- dimensional array."
- s1 = s[1] ; # of columns
- s2 = s[2] ; # of rows
- if s[1] le 1 or s[2] le 1 THEN $
- message, 'Each dimension must be greater than 1."
- ; If both latmin & latmax are missing, assume image covers entire globe.
- if N_ELEMENTS(latmin) eq 0 then latmin = -90.
- if N_ELEMENTS(latmax) EQ 0 THEN latmax = 90. ;This is as documented
- ; if N_ELEMENTS(latmax) EQ 0 THEN latmax = 90. - 180./s2 ;This isn't
- ; If both lonmin & lonmax are missing, assume image covers all longitudes
- ; with duplication.
- if N_ELEMENTS(lonmin) EQ 0 THEN lonmin = -180.
- if N_ELEMENTS(lonmax) EQ 0 THEN lonmax = 180. ;This is as documented
- ; if N_ELEMENTS(lonmax) EQ 0 THEN lonmax = 180.- (360./s1) ;This isn't
- latmin = float(latmin) & lonmin = float(lonmin)
- latmax = float(latmax) & lonmax = float(lonmax)
- ; Does image wrap around globe?
- wrap = ((lonmin - 360./s1 + 720.) mod 360.) - ((lonmax + 720.) mod 360.)
- wrap = abs(wrap) lt 1e-4 ;Allow for roundoff
- ltlim = [latmin, latmax]
- if wrap eq 0 then lnlim = [lonmin, lonmax] else lnlim = [-180., 180.]
- ; Find the extent of the our limits in the map on the screen by
- ; making a n x n array of lon/lats spaced over the extent of
- ; the image and saving the extrema.
- scale = !d.flags and 1 ;TRUE if device has scalable pixels
- if n_elements(scalef) le 0 then scalef = 0.02 ;PostScript scale factor
- IF scale THEN BEGIN ;Fudge for postscript?
- !x.s = !x.s * scalef
- !y.s = !y.s * scalef
- ENDIF ELSE scalef = 1
- if n_elements(compress) le 0 then compress = 4 $ ;Default value
- else compress = fix(compress)
- ; Missing data value should equal the background or user-supplied value.
- if n_elements(missing) le 0 then begin
- if (!d.flags and 512 ne 0) then missing = !d.n_colors-1 else missing = 0
- endif
- screen_x = long(scalef * !x.window * !d.x_size) ;Map extent on screen
- screen_y = long(scalef * !y.window * !d.y_size)
- ; See if we can use a smaller area than the plot window
- if wrap eq 0 and abs(latmax-latmin) gt 90 then begin
- n = 31 ;Subdivisions across lat/lon range.
- x = (findgen(n) * ((lnlim[1]-lnlim[0])/float(n-1)) + lnlim[0]) # $
- replicate(1.,n)
- y = replicate(1.,n) # $
- (findgen(n) * ((ltlim[1]-ltlim[0])/float(n-1)) + ltlim[0])
- x = convert_coord(x,y, /DATA, /TO_DEVICE) ;Latlon to device
- y = reform(x[1,*], n^2, /OVER) ;Get device coords separately
- x = reform(x[0,*], n^2, /OVER)
- good = where(finite(x))
- x = x[good] & y = y[good]
- screen_x = long([screen_x[0] > min(x, MAX=maxx), screen_x[1] < maxx])
- screen_y = long([screen_y[0] > min(y, MAX=maxy), screen_y[1] < maxy])
- endif
- ; Get next larger multiple of compress for resulting image size.
- nx = (screen_x[1] - screen_x[0]+compress)/compress
- ny = (screen_y[1] - screen_y[0]+compress)/compress
- ;X and Y screen coordinates
- x = (findgen(nx) * compress) # replicate(1.0,ny) + screen_x[0]
- y = replicate(1.0, nx) # (findgen(ny) * compress) + screen_y[0]
- x = convert_coord(x, y, /DEVICE, /TO_DATA) ;Screen to lat/lon
- y = reform(x[1,*], nx, ny, /OVER) ;Separate lat/longit
- x = reform(x[0,*], nx, ny, /OVER)
- bad = where(finite(x) eq 0b, count) ;Not all machines handle NaN properly
- if count ne 0 then begin ;So fake it for points off the map.
- x[bad] = 1.0e10
- y[bad] = 1.0e10
- endif
- w = where(x lt lonmin, count) ;Handle longitude wrap-around
- while count gt 0 do begin
- x[w] = x[w] + 360.0
- w = where(x lt lonmin, count)
- endwhile
- sx = ((s1-1.)/(lonmax - lonmin)) ;Scale from lat/lon to pixels
- sy = ((s2-1.)/(latmax - latmin))
- ; Now interpolate the screen image from the original.
- ; If the image wraps around the globe, we must treat those pixels
- ; after the last column and before the first column specially.
- badb = map_image_missing(image_orig, max_value, min_value)
- x = (x - lonmin) * sx ;To pixels
- y = (y - latmin) * sy
- if wrap then begin
- col1 = where(x gt (s1-1), count) ;Wrap around elements
- if count le 0 then goto, full_image
- threecol = [Image_Orig[s1-1,*], Image_Orig[0:1,*]]
- col1x = x[col1] - (s1-1) ;Interpolate value
- if badb[0] ne -1 then begin ;Missing data value?
- bad = interpolate(float(badb), x, y, miss=0)
- bad[col1] = interpolate(float([badb[s1-1,*], badb[0:1,*]]), $
- col1x, y[col1], miss=0)
- bad = where(bad, count)
- x = interpolate(Image_Orig, x, y, miss = missing) ; full image
- ;Add in points that wrapped in X between s1-1 and s1.
- x[col1] = interpolate(threecol, col1x, y[col1], miss = missing)
- if count gt 0 then x[bad] = missing
- endif else begin ;badb
- x = interpolate(Image_Orig, x, y, miss = missing) ; full image
- ;Add in points that wrapped in X between s1-1 and s1.
- x[col1] = interpolate(threecol, col1x, y[col1], miss = missing)
- endelse
- endif else begin
- full_image:
- if badb[0] ne -1 then begin
- bad = where(interpolate(float(badb), x, y, miss = 0), count)
- x = interpolate(Image_Orig, x, y, miss = missing) ;No wrap
- if count gt 0 then x[bad] = missing
- endif else x = interpolate(Image_Orig, x, y, miss = missing) ;No wrap
- endelse
- ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Scale to pixel coords & round.
- ; This is the same as: x = (x-lonmin) * sx + 0.5, but faster for arrays.
- x = (x - (lonmin - .5/sx)) * sx
- y = (y - (latmin - .5/sy)) * sy
- if wrap then begin
- bad = where(x ge s1 and x lt (2*s1), count)
- if count gt 0 then x[bad]=x[bad]-s1
- endif
- bad = where(x lt 0 or x gt s1 or y lt 0 or y gt s2, count)
- if count gt 0 then begin
- x[bad] = 0
- y[bad] = 0
- x = Image_Orig[x, y]
- badb = map_image_missing(x, max_value, min_value)
- if badb[0] ne -1 then begin
- worse = where(badb, count)
- if count gt 0 then x[worse] = missing
- endif ;Max value
- x[bad] = missing
- endif else begin
- x = Image_Orig[x,y]
- badb = map_image_missing(x, max_value, min_value)
- if badb[0] ne -1 then begin
- bad = where(badb, count)
- if count gt 0 then x[bad] = missing
- endif ;Max value
- endelse ;Count
- Startx = long(screen_x[0] / scalef)
- Starty = long(screen_y[0] / scalef)
- xsize = long(nx / scalef * compress)
- ysize = long(ny / scalef * compress)
- if compress ne 1 then $ ;Resample to screen?
- x = rebin(x, nx*compress, ny*compress) ;Interpolate screen image if necess.
- ;print,systime(1)-t0,' seconds'
- IF scale THEN BEGIN ;Unfudge scale factors
- !x.s = !x.s / scalef
- !y.s = !y.s / scalef
- return, x
- end